Note: RADAR Structural ceases to exist on December 31, 2024.
Here are the copies of reference letters that I have received from my former employers. At that time, it slipped off my mind to ask for such letters in some cases, so I cannot present this kind of testimonies from all my employers. Nevertheless, there is still a good deal to read about what other people have to say about my work and me. The references in other than English languages are included with proper translations. In the future, I hope to add some references by my clients to this page as well.
Reference letters by my former employers in reverse order
Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, Rijkswaterstaat,
Utrecht, 2014

GENITECH B.V. Industrial, Offshore - Engineering & Construction Services,
Amsterdam, 1988

BRONSWERK Verwarming en Airconditioning B.V.,
Amersfoort, 1984

Embassy of The United States of America in Warsaw,
Warsaw, 1979

Steel Works "Huta Warszawa" (state enterprise) in Warsaw,
Warsaw, 1979