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RADAR Structural

Address: Nansenstraat 114, 2806 HN Gouda, The Netherlands


Phone: +31 (0)182-525356


Fields of expertise

You will probably gain the best impression of my expertise while viewing the sub-tabs of this page. To sum up, here are the main fields of this expertise in terms of disciplines. The kinds of services that I can provide in these fields have been listed under the tab SERVICES.


  • civil engineering

  • structural engineering

  • mechanical engineering

  • infrastructure and transport

  • hydraulic engineering

  • environmental engineering

  • heavy industry and offshore

  • project management

Details of expertise

To find more details about my professional expertise and the way it has performed until now, please click on the sub-tabs of this page. Under the tab of EDUCATION, you will see when and to which schools and universities I attended and what exactly I learned there. The tabs WORK RECORD and PROJECTS will give you an impression about the way I have put this education at work.


You may like to see pictures of my works rather than (or in addition to) these records. In that case, please turn to the page GALLERY further on this website. More details are available in many articles and papers that I have published about my contributions to projects, studies and other works, as well as in the publications by other individuals and organisations.

Languages and other skills

2010 - present

2010 - present

My native language is Polish, but I think that I can call Dutch my native language as well after all these years. Here are the details about my language skills in order of the best command:


  • excellent: Polish and Dutch

  • very good: English

  • good: Russian

  • fair: German


My other skills include a very good level of diverse computer programs, particularly the scientifical programming languages like PASCAL and FORTRAN. I am an author of diverse high level programs in these computer languages. I have also published quite a lot of articles in all the languages mentioned above. The selection of my publication titles can be viewed onder the tab PUBLICATIONS.

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