Note: RADAR Structural ceases to exist on December 31, 2024.
The following list shows a selection of the projects I have worked on until now. It roughly specifies the period of my involvement and the character of my contribution to these projects. The period of involvement does not have to be the same as the project duration, but in my case it often is. I have kept this list concise, with few details and no illustrations. The reason is that many of these projects are quite well-known and can be found on the internet. However, if you like to have a brief look, please turn to the page GALLERY.
In reverse order:
2017 -2019
2016 – 2019
2015 – 2016
2012 – 2014
2010 – 2014
2010 – 2014
2009 – 2013
2008 – 2012
2008 – 2012
2008 – 2013
2007 – 2012
2007 – 2008
2007 – 2008
2006 – 2010
2006 – 2010
2005 – 2006
2005 – 2006
2004 – 2006
2003 – 2008
2001 – 2004
1999 – 2001
1998 – 2001
1995 – 2000
1992 – 2000
1994 – 2001
1997 – 1999
1997 – 1998
1994 – 2005
1992 –1996
1991 –1992
1990 – 2001
1989 – 1990
1989 – 1990
1985 – 1989
1985 – 1989
1986 – 1988
1986 – 1988
1989 – 1990
1982 – 1984
1982 – 1984
1979 – 1981
1975 – 1979
1976 – 1979
1974 – 1975
1972 – 1973
1972 – 1973
Sharing collected technical expertise with young engineers
Consulting services in design of Mekong Delta flood barriers
Book "Lock Gates and Other Closures in Hydraulic Projects"
Filling and emptying devices for Locks Sambeek & Belfeld
New Sea Lock Terneuzen, studies and contracting
New Sea Lock IJmuiden, studies and contracting
Afsluitdijk, water discharge project
IJssel high water discharge Veesen – Wapenveld
New Orleans, hurricane protection structures
Ramspol – Meppel waterway,
Black Lock construction
Canal Meuse – Waal, new lock in Heumen
Third Set of Locks in the Panama Canal
Prince Willem-Alexander Lock in Amsterdam, improvements
Lith Weir on the Meuse, gate damage repair
Panama Canal Locks, program of cooperation
Composite bridges research studies
Zuid-Willemsvaart Canal,
Lock 0 in Den Bosch
Orange Locks in Amsterdam, gate hinge improvements
Juliana Canal, lifting of Echt and Roosteren bridges
Extension of navigation locks Maasbracht, Born and Heel
Hagestein Weir on the Rhine, curing vibration problem
Wilhelmina Canal Lock III, gate replacement
Noordland pedestrian bridge, construction in composites
Lochem station bridge, preliminary design
Papendorp Bridge in Utrecht, assessment in design contest
“Naviduct” Enkhuizen, design and construction of lock gates
Second Lock in Lith, design and construction of gates
Orange Locks in Amsterdam, gates design and construction
Bridge over the Old Meuse, preliminary designs
Span extension of Amsterdam Bridge in Zeeburg
New types and materials in lock gate bearings
Storm surge barrier on the Hartel Canal near Rotterdam
Western Scheldt suspension bridge, 2 optional designs
Gate and weir upgrading in the Meuse and Afsluitdijk
Oseberg 2 oil production platform for Norsk Hydro
Canary Wharf FC1 building, steel structure
Crane ways in Hoogovens BV rolling mill hall
Factory halls for Hoogovens and Genius BV in IJmuiden
Crane ways, stacks, ovens etc. for Hoogovens and Krupp AG
Offshore oil and gas platforms on the North Sea
Submerged pipe-lay projects near the coast of Egypt
DSM Geleen and Hoogovens IJmuiden production halls
Kalkar nuclear reactor, piping and supporting structures
Diverse steel plants in Turkey, Sweden and Bulgaria
Office buildings etc. of the US Embassy in Warsaw
Construction projects in Huta Warszawa in Warsaw
Sports & recreation center for Huta Warszawa in Warsaw
Industrial buildings in diverse steel plants in Poland
Frontier bridge construction in Cieszyn, other bridges
Lecturing and guiding of a TU Gliwice student group
Lecturer and author: Presentations, publications and other contributions to share own expertise with younger professionals, active membership of IABSE and PIANC
Consultant: Presentation, site visits and advising for the design of radial gates in the Cai Khe flood barrier in Can Tho city, Vietnam (in cooperation with University of Liège)
Leading author: Highlights of European and American practical expertise in research, design, construction, operation and maintenance of hydraulic gates
Consulting services and review of structural analyses for the steel contractor (Hillebrand B.V. in Middelburg)
Consultant: consulting services in feasibility studies, gate selection criteria and contract specifications
Consultant: consulting services in feasibility studies, gate and drives selection process and contract specifications, guidance to a contracted engineering company
Consultant: consulting services in performance regime, feasibility studies, gate selection and lay-out, optional solution with composite gates
Reviewer and consultant: review and verification of feasibility studies, design criteria and contract specifications by others; consulting services to parties involved
Reviewer and consultant: design review and consulting services to main contractors (Shaw Group & Tetra Tech) concerning hydraulic gates and a movable bridge
Consultant: feasibility studies, review and consulting services for the project design & build (D&B) specifications
Consultant and reviewer: feasibility studies, conceptual design, review and consulting services for the project design & build specifications
Reviewer and consultant: consulting services and review of the lock gates design on behalf of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP)
Research leader and consultant: consulting services, contracting and guiding of third party (TNO) investigations of the gate hydrostatic bearings
Research leader and repair designer: research on failures causing the gate damage, repair and reconctruction design, contract formulation, construction guidance
Consultant: consultancy and know-how exchange with the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) on the upgrading of the Panama Canal, team member
Consultant and program leader: Research and conceptual design of a new generation of composite bridges for the Netherlands
Consultant and design leader: consulting services and design specifications for the lock upgrading including gate exchange and improvements
Research leader and consultant: diagnosing of gate hinge wear problem, guidance to repair and improvements, knowledge retention
Designer and consultant: bridge analysis including numerical and physical load tests, superstructure upgrading and jacking up design, execution guidance
Discipline leader and consultant: conceptual design of lock gates and drives, contract functional specifications, fighting ignorant decisions
Research, design and construction manager: study on weir gate vibrations, project design and contracting, execution management
Designer and construction manager: innovative lock gate design, project contract specifications, construction supervision
Reaearch, design and construction manager: ecological analysis for construction material choice, composite bridge contracting, construction supervision
Project leader: Study on new bridge options and preliminary design, cost estimations, consulting services for contracting
External consultant: verification and assessment of project contest submissions, life cycle costing, recommendation for construction
Discipline leader: feasibility studies and final design of lock gates and related steel structures, specifications for contracting, construction and installation supervision
Discipline leader: feasibility studies and final design of lock gates and related steel structures, specifications for contracting, construction and installation supervision
Discipline leader: feasibility studies and preliminary design of lock gates and other steel structures, specifications for design & build contracting, contract supervision
Project leader: preliminary design studies for a large vertical lift bridge option, cost estimations, subsidiary consulting services
Project leader: optional design studies for the span extensionan of an arch bridge to increase the navigable width, structural analyses, cost estimations
Leader of investigation program: research and development of new types of lock gate bearings involving new material applications, design recommendations
Discipline leader: preliminary studies and final design of the barrier vertical lift gates, (largest in the world at that time), contracting, supervision of construction
Design leader: design of large single and double main span suspension bridges, cost estimations, contract specifications (not realized, tunnel option selected)
Design leader: diverse designs and studies on large gate or weir renovation projects, e.g. in the Meuse and in the Afsluitdijk
Enginering team leader: weight control management by design and construction of a large (7000 tons) offshore oil-production platform, chief engineer
Structural analyst and constructor: structural analyses and joint design (including computer programming) of a large building steel structure in the City of London
Structural analyst and constructor: structural analyses and reinforcement design for the Hoogovens BV heavy rolling mill crane ways
Structural analyst and constructor: structural analyses and detailed design of large factory halls, including innovative wind bracing systems and other details
Structural analyst and constructor: structural analyses and detailed design of crane ways, stacks, ovens, heavy lifts etc. in steel plants of Hoogovens and Krupp AG
Structural analyst and constructor: structural analyses and design of load bearing structures for offshore oil and gas rigs of diverse petrochemical companies
Structural analyst and procedure designer: programming and structural design of pipe-laying projects on the North Sea, the Mediterranean and the Red Sea
Structural analyst and constructor: analyses and design of large steel structures and factory halls for DSM Fertilizers and the Hoogovens continuous glow line
Structural analyst and constructor: design and structural analyses of heavy pipelines, air ducts, pumps, supporting structures etc. for a nuclear fast breeder reactor plant
Design leader and constructor: design and analysis of large diameter gas, fume and dust exhaust systems, including supports, filters, duct joints etc. for steel plants
Project engineer: initializing, design and supervision of office building (renovation) projects, ambassador's residence roof exchange, diverse installations etc.
Project supervisor: supervision of construction projects for the steel plant, like factory halls, cranes, ovens, stacks, heavy foundations, office and amenity buildings
Project manager: Design, and construction management of the sports & recreation center project in Warsaw, including a stadium and swimming pool
Designer and team leader: negotiating, primary design and management of industrial and building projects for a number of steel plants in Silesia, Poland
Researcher and constructor: consulting and design activities for bridge assessment and construction, e.g. Cieszyn frontier bridge of prestressed light concrete
Lecturer and mentor of a student group: lecturing and guiding of a student group at the Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering